Ted FordOutfielder – 1991

Born in Richland, NJ on February 7, 1947, Ted attended Vineland High School where he played baseball, basketball and football. Ted, a pitcher/outfielder, was named to the 1963 All-Star Team at age 16 and was named the Most Valuable Player in the Cumberland County Baseball League. He was the #1 choice of the Cleveland Indians and signed a professional contract in the spring of 1966. Except for a two-year interruption for a stint in the U. S. Army, Ford spent 1966 through 1969in the minors. He moved up with the Indians for part of the 1970 season, then again in 1971. Ted played with Texas for part of the 1972 season, then back with Cleveland in 1973. Ted owns a career .219 major league batting average in 240 games with 711 at bats.
Ford continues to live in the Vineland area and his complete biography appeared in the Spring 1990 issue of “South Jersey Magazine”.